5 Considerations for Coronavirus Disinfection in Public Spaces

As businesses and public areas throughout the country start to reopen for visitors, maintaining safe spaces is more important than ever. Coronavirus disinfection is a top priority for families and individuals for working, shopping, banking, and running other personal errands. For the people responsible for keeping public spaces safe and healthy, there are some important considerations to bear in mind. 

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Frequency of Application of the D7 Disinfectant for SARS-CoV-2

The general method for application of D7 for SARS-CoV-2 disinfection operations is as follows:

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Response to CDC Information About the Spread of COVID-19

Recently, there have been several news stories concerning information on the website of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about how COVID-19 spreads or is transmitted from person to person.1,2 Several of these news stories are presenting the CDC information in a misleading way by implying that the only important method of COVID-19 spread is through airborne droplets (i.e., from coughs or sneezes from an infected person) and that COVID-19 spread from surface contact is not important. This is false and a misinterpretation of the CDC information and guidance. Here is the information about the spread of COVID-19 directly from the CDC website.3

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What We Can Learn About Coronavirus from Norovirus Outbreak of 2018

COVID-19 may be a new virus, but this is not the first time countries have had to address an outbreak. Norovirus, which is a highly contagious virus that causes gastroenteritis, is a year-round issue, but annually there is a season during which instances of illness are more prevalent, typically from November to April. In the United States, norovirus infects 19-21 million people each year and is responsible for 570-800 deaths. Because it spreads so quickly and easily, it’s not uncommon for localized outbreaks to occur when large numbers of people gather.

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How to Disinfect your Healthcare Facility from Coronavirus

As containing the spread of COVID-19 continues to be a top priority, healthcare facilities have stepped up disinfection protocols to protect both patients and staff. Although the virus is predominantly spread through droplets in the air, it may also be transferred via contaminated surfaces. Once transferred to hands, gloves, medical equipment, or shoes, it can then spread to any other surface touched by these contaminated items. In addition to limiting exposure by wearing masks, donning gloves, and other protective measures, frequently disinfecting surfaces can help reduce the spread of the virus through contact.

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Why D7 is Superior to other Products for Disinfection of SARS-CoV-2

Why D7 is Superior to other Products for Disinfection of SARS-CoV-2 D7 is an aqueous-based disinfectant that can rapidly neutralize highly toxic chemical and biological materials. The formulation: 

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